Saturday, May 15, 2010
Fruit of the Spirit
Singing Flowers
Friday, May 14, 2010
For I know the plans I have for you...
24 x 24
Note: if you look closely , the words, "For I know the plans I have for you..." are written in blue circling around the inside edge of the vase.
Under His wings you will find refuge
I paint on wooden frames that are constructed by a good friend who goes to church with us. He is an excellent wood worker and builds beautiful furniture. I painted this as a gift to he and his wife for giving their time and resources to build the frames. Daniel and Jenny live on a farm and this past year, they raised sixty baby chickens. They have two adorable boys and are raising them in a Godly home. They are surrounded by nature and all of the wonderful lessons that can be learned through raising animals and planting gardens.
I had been praying about a painting for them and one night while I was reading a mother goose book to my 2 year old, I came across an adorable picture of some chickens. Daniel and Jenny's painting immediately flashed through my mind. I could see it beginning to come together. When I finished the book and put my child to bed, I asked my husband if he had any thoughts about what I should paint for Daniel and Jenny and the boys. He said, "How about chickens?" So chickens it was. I pray that like baby chicks under the wings of its mother, Daniel and Jenny and their boys would always know that they are safe and secure in the refuge of our loving God. Amen
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Recently, I had a craving for chocolate chip ice cream, so I treated myself to a carton from the nearest grocery store. One night, after tucking my three girls in their beds, I reached into the freezer and placed the tub of ice cream onto the counter. The plan was to have just a few bites, but it tasted so much better than I had imagined. Before long, my "tasting" turned into a heaping bowl of ice cream. Knowing and experiencing God is a lot like tasting ice cream. Once you have truly tasted the goodness of the Lord who relates to us in a real and personal way, you desire to experience more and more of him. Like ice cream, my life with Christ has proven to be far richer than I had imagined. Taste and see that He is good. Then, your hunger for Him will cause you to dig even deeper.
Note: If you look closely at the ice cream cone on the far left, you will find the scripture "Taste and see that the Lord is good," buried in the cone. The background color in this photo is not totally accurate. It is actually a lighter more olive green.
Fruit of the Spirit
24 x 24
This was the first fruit of the spirit painting that I created. It belongs to my close friend, Michelle. She is a beautiful picture of Galatians 5:22-23. She has been an incredible encouragement to me with these paintings and throughout my entire christian journey. She has an amazing gift in encouraging people and building relationships. I am thankful for her friendship, and all the joys and trials we have walked through together. Thank you Michelle for all your encouragement!
Project for Mary Helen's first grade class
Sing for joy at the work of His hands
9 x 9
Lucy, a close friend of mine bought this painting for the dedication of her baby, Lulie. When Lulie came into the world, her mother almost died in childbirth, but God used a close family friend to save her life. I chose this scripture for her because she is an incredibly grateful and joyful person. She has been made glad by his deeds in saving her life and she "sing(s) for joy at the works of (his) hands". Her precious daughter, Lulie, like the rest of us, is the work of God's hands, and we are thankful for her life and her mother's life.